What Polyvagal Theory can Teach Us about Healing Public Speaking Fear

This article aims to share some of the new scientific research on Polyvagal Theory and what it can teach us about healing public speaking fear. If you are not be familiar with Dr. Stephen Porges’ Polyvagal Theory, it states that the human nervous system is sensitive to safe and unsafe environments. This sensitivity happens on an unconscious level. Further, Dr. Porges says that the nervous system registers any evaluation is registered by as criticism. Most people who are speaking in public feel evaluated. that fact partly explains why public speaking is such an uncomfortable experience for most people.

Sandra Zimmer Method for Healing Public Speaking Fear

I’m Sandra Zimmer. About 35 years ago, I set out to heal my public speaking fear and stage fright. I did so because I had accidentally stumbled on a FLOW State experience in front of 200 people. In that flow state, I felt so connected, so present and so free to express myself that I wanted to have that feeling again and again. I set out on a journey. I didn’t know how I was going to get there, but I knew the key was feeling safe to be my authentic self in front of groups.

I intuited a way of coaching people with stage fright and public speaking fear to help them release the fears out of their bodies. My method to develop a sense of safety at the center of attention automatically connected them with a sense of freedom to speak from the heart. My intuition evolved into a full-on public speaking training. I guide sensitive achieving people to transform anxiety into excitement to share ideas and expertise in groups, meetings and presentations.

I have been facilitating the Sandra Zimmer Method to overcome stage
, develop authentic presence and speak from the heart for over
30 years. I’ve coached hundreds of groups and thousands of individuals to overcome public speaking fear. Through it all, I have continued to use safety at the center of attention as a key component of my method.

Connection of Polyvagal Theory and Public Speaking Fear

Recently, I’ve been excited to learn that neurobiologist Dr. Stephen Porges has offered a scientific theory that explains how important it is for humans to feel a sense of safety in order to engage in social activity, connect to others and be creative! Dr. Porges calls it the Polyvagal Theory. It submits that safety is an essential imperative for creativity and thriving in humans and other mammals.

Up until recently, neuroscientists, therapists and public speaking teachers thought there were 2 vagus nerve responses that are strategies for defense mechanisms. Those were the fight or flight response and the freezing response. Porges says a 3rd neural pathway exists and is activated from the lower portion of the vagus nerve when humans sense it is safe and there is no danger. He calls it the social engagement system. This sense is non-cognitive. It happens through felt sense with no cognitive awareness. In other words, it’s coded into our biology.

It’s gut feeling. When humans get a gut feeling of safety, they automatically feel connection, engage with others, and express themselves freely. When you feel totally safe to be who you are at the center of attention, it is an amazing and magical feeling. Feeling safe frees you to speak authentically, inspire others. It allows you to bathe in the joy of speaking to groups

Dr. Porges Polyvagal Theory helps explain why my Sandra Zimmer Method public speaking training is so effective. My method guides sensitive achieving people to feel safe at the center of attention. It then teaches them some basic public speaking techniques like grounding, making genuine connection, telling stories and thinking on their feet. When you add these public speaking skills on top of a sense of safety at the center of attention, magic happens! People who previously had great stage fright suddenly feel such confidence to express themselves that their speech just flows out of them with passion and joy.

I can help you with healing public speaking fear.

If you’ve struggled with stage fright and fear of public speaking, have tried everything, then the Sandra Zimmer Method is worth a try. You can learn about it at

The one thing I know for sure after 3o+ years of teaching my method is that people with the most stage fright have potential to be stars at speaking because they have so much sensitivity and emotion. And so can you be a Star! Think of the difference you can make in the world when you feel safe, calm and confident to speak to groups.

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