YOU on VIDEO Workshop – If Warren Buffett can do it so can YOU

Have you been holding back from making videos due to fear of making a fool of yourself? Maybe not looking good? Or seeming silly?

Warren Buffett isn’t!

You already know that video can boost your career, your product or service.  And it is totally FUN!

Take  look at Warren Buffett having fun on video and making a huge gesture of friendship to all the people in China. To celebrate Chinese New Year, he appeared on national TV in China and sang “I’ll Be Working On The Railroad” while strumming his ukulele.

Don’t believe me? Watch it.

His video got picked up in the United States by MSNBC and other networks. Had Buffett delivered a traditional New Year’s greeting, it would have been expected, but not so newsworthy.

Want to learn to be at ease on video for YouTube, Skype and TV? Join Kenan Branam and me March 9 and 10 for YOU on VIDEO WORKSHOP.  See details.