Archive for the "Fear of Public Speaking" category

Transform Stage Fright into Authentic Speaking Weekend Workshop with Sandra Zimmer

Transform Stage Fright into Authentic Speaking Weekend Workshop teaches you to convert tension, fear and anxiety into free flowing energy and excitement to speak.  Really! If tension about speaking in groups, meetings or presentations is holding you back, a Sandra Zimmer Method weekend workshop will free you to speak from your heart. The Sandra Zimmer […]

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Sandra Zimmer Method to Overcome Public Speaking Fear

Recently, I wrote my most revealing article about the Sandra Zimmer Method to overcome public speaking fear and stage fright. A Presentation Guru Requests an Article The Commissioning Editor of, Jared Senseman, emailed to ask if I would write an article about my approach. Jared said Presentation-Guru was looking for unique approaches that help people speak and present more effectively. […]

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The Solution to Stage Fright is Right Here, Right Now

Stage fright is life fright. It is fear of feeling in front of other human beings. Stage fright exists in us because we can’t relax and accept what is happening in the now moment. We are resisting the feelings and thoughts that are occurring now as we get ready to speak up, speak out or […]

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Happy July 4th! Let Freedom Ring throughout the World! – Sandra Zimmer The following post was written by my dear friend and social media expert, Karen Scott Jones. Thanks, Karen! How often do we reflect on our right to speak freely in this country?  I think we take it for granted that we can say what […]

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Speaking Freely: Why is Authenticity Important for Public Speaking?

In public speaking,  authenticity is important because our degree of comfort is directly related to our degree of authenticity. The more willing we are to be genuine with our expression, the more comfortable we feel with ourselves. Conversely, our fear and anxiety is locked up in our reluctance to be real with our thoughts and feelings. People […]

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Speaking Freely: What is Authenticity? How Does it Help Public Speaking?

In terms of public speaking, developing greater authenticity is an important key to unlocking stage fright and fear of public speaking. To transform stage fright and fear of public speaking, you must learn to be comfortable being who you are in front of other people. In public speaking, the tension associated with stage fright comes from […]

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Alan Rabinowitz: How a Severe Stutterer became the Voice for African Wild Cats

Alan Rabinowitz could not talk to people at all, but he could talk to animals fluidly. He promised his childhood pets if he ever became a fluid speaker, he would speak up for the animals of the world. I heard Alan tell his story about being a severe stutterer as a child on the MOTH […]

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The Power of Self-Expression

There is simply nothing that transforms your life as much as Self-Expression, because a profound shift in consciousness happens when you open yourself to share your truth. “What we say is important… for in most cases the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.” – Jim Beggs As you express your inner Self, your […]

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Joe Kowan Sings a Song at TED to Beat Stage Fright

Oh Wow! For all of you struggling with Stage Fright and fear of public speaking, please watch Joe Kowan give an 8 minute TED Talk on how he beat stage fright.  Joe shares that he wrote a song to express the inner feelings of stage fright as a way of dealing with it. Those of […]

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The Alchemy of Public Speaking: Turning Performance Anxiety into Presence

We can alchemically transform performance anxiety into presence in our physical body.  Alchemy is a term for turning a less valuable substance into a more valuable one. The human body is a laboratory for transformation of consciousness. Performance anxiety is a distressful reaction to energy trying to flow through the body when we become the […]

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