Helping People Feel Free to Share Their Ideas

I gotta crow! Last night after Transform Stage Fright into Natural Presence class, one of my students, Ashwini, exclaimed how this class is transforming her life! She recalled how as a young person in India, she had been an excellent dancer; so much so that her teacher had wanted her to dance at center stage during performances. She had protested and demanded to be placed at the back where she could hide from the spotlight. Since then, Ashwini opined that she had missed so many opportunities to shine! Now she said that she was eager to jump at opportunities to share her ideas and stories at her job. Another student, Kendrick, overheard Ashwini and chimed in that he felt exactly the same. He was so excited to share his ideas, to be onstage and make a difference. He knew that after only 4 class sessions, he was going to have a different life in the future. Now, I have heard these comments for almost twenty years. But still, I am thrilled when my clients begin to get excited about how much they have to give and want to give their ideas, insights and expertise. Both Ashwini and Kendrick started class four weeks ago complaining that they felt so fearful to speak up. Both are going to make huge contributions to the world now, because they have insights that will help transform others. And I get to say that my program has made a difference in their lives and the lives of all those whom they will touch in the coming decades. This program has come from my own pain. I was just like my two clients Ashwini and Kendrick. I felt so held back, so unable, so afraid to share my ideas and my talents. So, I created a program that supports people to open to be who they are at the front of a room so they feel free to express and share themselves fully. My program gives the kind of support that I needed as a young person and as an adult to help freedom of expression. So, my program, which was born of my own fear and anxiety, now transforms lives in the way I had needed to be transformed. I could not be happier… unless I could guide every person who feels help back through this program! If you are out there feeling stuck in fear and anxiety about speaking or presenting in front of others, I invite you to check out my website at and see if there is something here to transform your life as it is doing for Ashwini and Kendrick.