Expressing Genuine Warmth

 A wonderful new client gave voice to her goal of expressing more warmth.  I think this is a great goal for everyone!

Warmth is an emotion, so it can’t be simply acted out.  You can’t behave like you are warm because others will sense you lack of real warmth. You can’t DO warmth, you must feel it so that you can BE it and express it authentically.

All emotions are subtle vibrations that flow through and radiate out of the physical body.  To radiate warmth, you must generate the feeling of warmth within your body by filling your body with caring, active goodwill and love for yourself and others.  This can be intentionally achieved.

We have within our bodies a nervous system with energetic centers along the cerebrospinal canal that can be lit from within through focus of attention.  These centers exist at seven main areas along the spine – at the base of the spine, the area between the base of the spine and the navel, the navel center, the heart area, in the throat, between the eyebrows and at the crown of the head. In just a few minutes of focused attention, we can intentionally generate a lush warm feeling inside these body centers causing us to feel genuine warmth for ourselves and for others. The action of focusing attention into an area of the body causes energy to move into and fill up that area. If you fill up your entire cerebrospinal column, you create an inner feeling of warmth, flow and ease that others can sense. Below is an exercise you can try for yourself.


Energizing Exercise to Fill Yourself Up

Sit or lie down in a comfortable position.  Close your eyes. Take a few deep relaxing breaths and let your body sink into whatever you are resting upon.

Focus Attention down the Front of Your Body.  Place your attention at the crown of your head. For a few breaths, simply watch the crown of your head.  Then focus your attention between your eyebrow and watch for a few breaths.  Next, focus your attention in the front of your throat area and watch for a few breaths.  Then focus in the front of your heart and watch for a few breaths.  Now bring your attention to the front of your solar plexus just above the navel and watch for a few breaths.  Next, focus in the front of the area about three inches below your navel and watch for a few breaths.  And now focus your attention at the base of your spine and watch for a few breaths.

Focus Attention up the Back of Your Body.   Focus in the back of the area about three inches below your navel and watch for a few breaths.   Now bring your attention to the back of your solar plexus just above the navel and watch for a few breaths.  Then focus in the back of your heart and watch for a few breaths. Next, focus your attention in the back of your throat area and watch for a few breaths. Then focus your attention in the back of your head opposite the eyebrows and watch for a few breaths. Finally, place your attention at the crown of your head. For a few breaths, simply watch the crown of your head.

Rest for a few minutes with a kind of open attention inside yourself and notice how you feel.  You may feel fuller, more comfortable in your skin, more relaxed, more energized or somehow deeper into your body. You may actually feel warmer and more open.  You can test your warmth by going out into a public setting or into a group of family or friends.  Notice how you feel about yourself and about others.


People who seem warm to others possess a fullness of feeling that radiates a positive energy.  They are filled up with love for themselves which spills over to others causing others to in turn feel good about themselves.  Someone who is warm makes you feel good about yourself.  We all want to be liked and loved, but we don’t all make others feel liked and loved. Why not commit to being the one who make others feel good about themselves?